Street Con­nec­tions is a mobile pub­lic health ser­vice in Winnipeg.

April 22, 2024 — The new Street Con­nec­tion van is on the road start­ing today.

See what the van looks like, and get more infor­ma­tion on our ser­vices.

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Our goal is to reduce the spread of sex­u­al­ly trans­mit­ted and blood-borne infec­tions (STB­BIs), includ­ing hepati­tis C and HIV, and reduce oth­er drug-relat­ed harms.

We are part of Healthy Sex­u­al­i­ty and Harm Reduc­tion in the Win­nipeg Health Authority’s (WRHA) Pop­u­la­tion and Pub­lic Health Program.

Pub­lic health nurs­es and out­reach work­ers staff our van. We dri­ve around the city every evening except Sun­day. You can also find us dur­ing the day from Mon­day to Fri­day in our office on the main floor of 496 Har­grave St.

We fol­low a harm reduc­tion phi­los­o­phy. This means that we sup­port peo­ple who use drugs in their efforts to keep them­selves and their com­mu­ni­ty safe. We do not judge peo­ple for their sex­u­al and drug use practices. 

The office locat­ed on the main floor at 496 Har­grave is open Mon­day to Fri­day from 8:30 – 4:30.

The van is out:
Mon­day to Fri­day: 6:00pm to 11:00pm
Sat­ur­day: 5:00pm to 10:30pm

Mon­day to Friday

Nurs­ing ser­vices are avail­able these evenings

6:00 — 6:10 pm
Main St. and Hig­gins Ave.

6:30 — 6:40 pm
Euclid Ave. and Austin St.

7:00 — 7:10 pm
Kennedy St. at Ellice Ave

10:00 — 10:10 pm

Selkirk Ave. and McKen­zie St.

Some­times we are not able to fol­low the sched­ule exact­ly. We may be late or miss a stop due to delays.


There is only one sched­uled stop on Sat­ur­day at 10pm at Selkirk and McKen­zie (this may change).

Call us at 2049810742 to see when and if we will be in your area.

A few things to remember:

  • We do not do spe­cial vis­its for con­doms, crack pipes and bub­ble pipes. Please meet up with us at stops, flag us down in our cruise areas or come to our office at 496 Har­grave St.
  • We can do home vis­its for nee­dle exchange and nurs­ing. Call us before 7 pm for a home visit.
  • You can pick up sup­plies dur­ing the day at our office at 496 Har­grave if you can’t meet up with us.