
If you have a Man­i­to­ba take-home nalox­one kit, please check your expiry date! Return to a dis­tri­b­u­tion site to replace your expired kit. If you are in an over­dose sit­u­a­tion where you only have expired nalox­one — you can use the expired nalox­one as it might still work and it won’t be harmful.

Over­dose and Opi­oid Poi­son­ing: Opi­oid Over­dose and poi­son­ing is one of the lead­ing caus­es of acci­den­tal death in Man­i­to­ba, and the source of sig­nif­i­cant loss and trau­ma for many in the com­mu­ni­ty. Opi­oid drugs are dan­ger­ous because they can slow down or stop a person’s breath­ing, lead­ing to death.

Nalox­one is a med­ica­tion that tem­porar­i­ly revers­es over­dose caused by opi­oids. It does not work on over­dose caused by oth­er drugs. Man­i­to­ba’s take-home-nalox­one pro­gram is designed to serve peo­ple who are at risk of opi­oid over­dose and poi­son­ing, and their fam­i­ly and friends.

Be aware that much of cur­rent drug sup­ply may have sub­stances such as ben­zo­di­azepine or tran­quil­iz­ers. These sub­stances do not respond to nalox­one. They can com­pli­cate or delay an opi­oid over­dose response.

For more infor­ma­tion vis­it the Man­i­to­ba Take-Home Nalox­one Dis­tri­b­u­tion Pro­gram web­page.

How does the Take-Home-Nalox­one pro­gram work?

Any­one who is at risk of opi­oid over­dose or poi­son­ing, and/​or their fam­i­ly and friends, may drop in to the Street Con­nec­tions office at 496 Har­grave Street (Main Floor) Mon­day to Fri­day, 8:30am to 4:00pm, and ask about the nalox­one pro­gram. No appoint­ment is nec­es­sary.

The nurse or out­reach work­er will take a brief his­to­ry, train the per­son to rec­og­nize and respond to over­dose – includ­ing how to give some­one nalox­one, and the per­son will be giv­en a take-home nalox­one kit. The whole vis­it should take less than 1 hour and the take-home nalox­one kit is free.

Street Con­nec­tions clients, while get­ting harm reduc­tion sup­plies, can ask the Street Con­nec­tions van staff about get­ting a nalox­one kit.

Can I get nalox­one any­where else?

Those not eli­gi­ble for a free take-home nalox­one kit, may con­sid­er pur­chas­ing one. Nalox­one kits are avail­able for pur­chase at sev­er­al oth­er loca­tions around Win­nipeg and Man­i­to­ba. See a list of phar­ma­cies that sell nalox­one kits.

Indi­vid­u­als who have health cov­er­age under First Nations Inu­it Health are eli­gi­ble for free nalox­one kits from loca­tions that are sell­ing them. Con­sult the phar­ma­cy for more information.

The Street Con­nec­tions web­site inter­ac­tive map shows places where take-home-nalox­one kits are free for peo­ple at risk of opi­oid overdose. 

A full list of nalox­one dis­tri­b­u­tion sites in the province can be found in the Man­i­to­ba Take-Home Nalox­one Dis­tri­b­u­tion Sites Find­er.

Online Over­dose and Nalox­one Training


Nalox­one Saves Lives (13 min) 

Nalox­one Wakes You Up (7 min)

How to use Nalox­one (Nar­can) (4 min)